sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2024


Hello everyone, how is the election campaign going, Mr. Trump ??? From what they say, Kamala is a little ahead of him... You will let yourself be won over by it, Mr. Trump ??? The truth is that I don't care about all this !! The truth is that NO ONE can prevent the UNAVOIDABLE !! No more lies, half-truths... The INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM has its days numbered... MONEY WILL BE SILVER.

sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2024


Hi Mr. Trump, I'm thinking of helping you, but it won't be free... If you and Robert Kennedy want to revive the middle class in the United States, apart from abolishing the FEDERAL RESERVE you will need OIL, a lot of OIL... It follows me ??? I am looking with concern at the situation in VENEZUELA, right now we are in a COLD WAR and we all know which side NICOLAS MADURO is on... 

The BRICS are getting stronger, if MADURO feels backed by them, the United States will lose the largest oil reserves in the world... I know that right now EXXON has the supply assured, but I can assure you that if things continue like this, that will not last... A preventive war in VENEZUELA seems excessive to me, but a covert operation would be feasible... The details of that operation I leave to you, but hurry, without enough oil the best wishes for the American people could turn into the worst nightmare...

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2024


Hello!!! How are those vacations going?? They say that evil does not rest, neither do I. I see a lot of changes and some I like, others not so much. President Donald Trump, I don't trust you, and I want you to know that. Robert Kennedy is the best choice for the United States, let him do his job. As I do not trust Donald Trump's team, although it was a very good decision to include Robert, I left him a little surprise in VENEZUELA in case anyone feels THE TEMPTATION not to LIQUIDATE THE FEDERAL RESERVE. Neither the United States nor the world can bear that burden anymore, so DISMANTLE THE FEDERAL RESERVE !! DO IT NOW !! As I told you before in Venezuela I left you a surprise... I'll give you a hint !!

 " The feather is stronger than the sword ".

sábado, 17 de agosto de 2024


Hello everyone, I see some curiosity in knowing my assessment of the recent events... Well, that's okay.

We are facing a last attempt through fear to implement rules of the game that almost no one is interested in, only the few who want to hold absolute power over everything and everyone...

I see it this way. When a few want to dominate everyone, there is only one way out. Explain to them by hook or by crook that they abandon their pretensions, although to be honest with you I would do it the hard way... As far as I'm concerned, I'll start on Monday !!!

viernes, 26 de julio de 2024


They say the Federal Reserve will already lose $100 billion because of the BRICS decision. This has no further course, the dollar is DEAD. The only thing that could save the dollar is a backing with SILVER !! But for that Robert Kennedy needs to win the election and continue with his uncle's policy... The question is, will he dare to do that ??


martes, 9 de julio de 2024

It's all said and done...

It's all said and done. Silver is once again THE WORLD'S RESERVE CURRENCY. It was a long time ago, in THE SPANISH EMPIRE and so great was its success that it survived the empire itself. Now the question is the following. Are you willing to exchange all your money for silver ? The answer is YES !! A GREAT IF !! It doesn't matter the price, the important thing is that all currencies have their counterpart in silver or gold... I prefer silver, it must be because I am Spanish and I know what I am talking about so BUY !

domingo, 30 de junio de 2024


Hello everyone, I take this opportunity to greet the followers of the blog. There are many of you !! Bitcoin fans say that price is not important, the important thing is to own bitcoins and use them as a decentralized currency. They are right and for the same reason I affirm that money is better, much better. Of course the price of silver is IMPORTANT, that's why they MANIPULATE its price DOWNWARDS!! Really the price does not matter, the important thing is that NO ONE CAN ISSUE CURRENCY IF THEY DO NOT HAVE THEIR COUNTERPART IN SILVER !!!

My advice to societies that want to prevail is to take good care of their population. Do not be carried away by siren songs, especially if the mermaid wears glasses...

jueves, 6 de junio de 2024

martes, 21 de mayo de 2024


 Do you know one thing ? My grandfather was a prophet. He always told me... Oscar, the only thing that comes is the law of the strongest. He was right, a great man, my grandfather.

sábado, 30 de marzo de 2024

sábado, 23 de marzo de 2024

♫ Yippie-yi-yay ♫ Federal Reserve

 Time is running out. What is the plan ??? I guess ??? Goodbye Federal Reserve, goodbye !!!

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2024

SIXTEEN TONS... Goodbye Federal Reserve.

I wish I had a million dollars to buy a ton of silver... Although it would be better to buy sixteen tons !! I can always leave you my account number... Do you have a million dollars to spare?

sábado, 3 de febrero de 2024


I could tell from the title of the blog that it's just business, but I'd be lying, it's revenge.