domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2019


Hello Mr. President!

You realise what a double-edged sword young people are when you try to manipulate reality with them?

Look at Greta's case, the net is full of criticism of her. They even support your comment about her, which without harming the girl unmasks the assembly that exists around her...

And this is what happens when the TRUTH is falsified using a child as a catalyst to deceive people.

That's why I'm going to make a play on words in Spanish, I don't know how it will be translated into English but there it goes: "You have to play with the children but not play with them. Understand ???

So if the big economic interests have no qualms about using poor children, we can do the same but we won't do it like them....  We will use their weapons against themselves! It is one of the premises of guerrilla warfare. We Spaniards know something about it, especially when Napoleon invaded Spain. Although we also used that in the creation of our empire... We know something about that.

Here you can see our empire in its maximum extension, this map covers the years 1540 - 1640.

Our legacy in history is great, that no one can deny...ever.

But now it's 2019! Let us look to the future, Mr. President !!!

Prepare yourself to win the elections, choose the young people for the battle. You only have to offer them the TRUTH, and the truth is that they are the best we have and the most important... THEY ARE THE FUTURE! And I assure you that if you do that the young people will save the world and you Mr. President will be saved together with them.

We will continue talking another day... greetings from Spain!

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