domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020


Mr President, China has made a mistake. I read today that you are angry because the Chinese have hidden the extent of this plague.

These are the consequences of a global world... A world that has no future. The world will be global for some things but not for others. China took advantage of the panic in the financial markets to buy the shares of several companies very cheaply. I thought the Chinese were smarter... They themselves are ending GLOBALIZATION.

Well, my advice is to close down the stock market and only run the industries that are indispensable for people to survive. Until we have some medicine to deal with the virus.

2020 is lost economically, it's hopeless. All that matters now is saving lives.

I also recommend a video conference meeting with Putin and Xi.

Don't think you're at a disadvantage, on the contrary.

Their policy was for the United States to regain industry and jobs, well here is your chance. Time proves you right. I thought we'd have more time... but like gold, time is scarcer than it seems.

Save as many as you can, think of nothing else.

Good luck.

1 comentario:

  1. Hola Óscar; ¿tú crees que cerrar el mercado ayudaría a minimizar el impacto? El palo pienso que va a venir desde abajo, desde las miles de pymes que a duras penas pueden sostenerse con un mes de inactividad, y no sólo del DOW, DAX o IBEX. La realidad es que se nos terminó el aire para inflar la burbuja de crear dinero de la nada y ahora toca volver a lo esencial. Pienso que la vacuna contra el virus no arreglará nada; bueno, sí que arreglará la salud de las personas, pero no el cataclismo que se avecina. El cisne negro llegó, como pudo haber sido cualquier otra cosa. Suerte, que la vamos a necesitar todos.
    Por cierto, ¿sigues creyendo que el mapa de orden mundial es el que habías previsto?
