lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020


 Mr. President...

The Chinese president wouldn't stand for this statement, he knows his cards are bad and he can't win the game... it's impossible. You want to check my statement ??? If he faces it with this demand he will see how he backs down and the victory will be for the United States.

China has so many weaknesses that Xi would not even be able to withstand two rounds... That does not mean that you will declare war on him !!!! But I insist, China has several very important weaknesses... Some time ago I insisted on a strong commercial relationship between RUSSIA and EUROPE. These two powers will be left out of the conflict, completely NEUTRAL, but Xi will never believe that... A weak point... We are talking about INDIA ??? If India gets involved in a war supporting the United States it would be able to deal a mortal blow to CHINA... Two weak points... Now let's talk about JAPAN, it would also be NEUTRAL in the conflict... Three weak points...

Now let's go to the Middle East... The peace agreements you have reached also play in the favor of the United States. This region of the planet would also be neutral, but Xi would distrust SAUDI ARABIA... Four weak points... The funniest thing would happen with AFRICA ! You know an old saying... "IF YOU OWE A THOUSAND DOLLARS TO THE BANK AND YOU CAN NOT PAY YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. IF YOU OWE A MILLION DOLLARS TO THE BANK AND YOU CAN NOT PAY THE PROBLEM IS THE BANK ... ". Five weak points... I believe that Xi's threats should not worry him more than our communist government that wants to impose a COMMUNIST dictatorship in my country... Spain.

And finally the weakest point that China has is its people... 1500 MILLION CHINESE. The famine that a conflict would cause in its population would provoke AN IMMEDIATE CIVIL WAR. Maybe this civil war will happen anyway and the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY is very aware of that... Six weak points... Now analyze what weak points the United States has... and you will clearly see its advantage.

In no way do I encourage you to declare war on CHINA! But you can say that if Xi wants a war we will ALL LOSE A LOT BUT CHINA WILL LOSE EVERYTHING.

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